"To be taken by mouth... Peas"

Digging through bags of relics from OHNE 2002... At the Contemporary Museum of Art in Yaroslavl, Russia, we performed beside a wall upon which panels from Damien Hurst's "Cornish 100mg Pasty" series had been mounted. The exhibition later travelled to Ekaterinburg, Saint-Peterburg, and Novosibirsk, way the fuck out in Siberia. Wish we'd played there!

A package from Chris Grier arrived on Friday - my video camera, which I'd inadvertantly left curbside in front of the Bug Jar in Rochester... During the night, perhaps during TLASILA's performance, someone had vomited on the sidewalk, just slightly to the left of the stage door... Pink and yellow ropes of bile intersected at the short flight of stairs leading from the carpeted riser to street level. My gaze was transfixed... It's hard not to look at puke. Totally forgot about the camera while loading AWK's drumkit into our van... It was dark out, no illumination on the sidewalk whatsoever... The big bouncer dude found the thing; two weeks later, it's back in the office.

Vid caps of the first six shows will be posted to the main site as soon as I can load the footage and select the most flattering, least interesting stills. At which time I will cobble together a memory of the tour...

Derrida died, as I'm sure many of you have read. Re-read a chunk of Glas again last year...




ommyth said…
In the library... Two Russian students are studying across from me, their faces obscured by the circle of flat-screen monitors which fan out in a circle before me. We have a healthy Russki contingent here, and I have ample opportunity to mangle the less elementary constructions on an almost daily basis...

Writing yet another paper... No tour diary yet. So caught up in my studies... Never seem to have enough time for anything. Next month, I'll be in Finland and Russia with OHNE. In December, TLASILA convene again to record our next album in NYC... '76 Saints are ripping through my head now - "I got no time, I got no time..."

Tony Rettman actually wrote a cogent and entertaining new column for Blastitude. Check it out you-know-where. More later...

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