After "La Commare Secca," 5:33 AM

If any film should remind us to walk the metaphorical straight and narrow, it's Bertolucci's 1962 debut, La Commare Secca.

More on this later today...

Lunch with the Squelchers was brief, but fun. Great to see Rat, Alex (who was a member of Memories of Underdevelopment for a spell) and Max (who gave me a copy of her new Evol Egg Nart disc, Max Dance) again. Accompanying the dissolute trio was 13-year-old Samantha, whose parents must really be worried about her. She sported a cool Rezillos "Destination Venus" t-shirt and appeared much older than her age, officer.

They were joined in Nashville last night by Leslie Keffer, another underage noise slave of Rat's. God save them, every one.

Those members of TLASILA in NYC for the Noon and Eternity mixdown will have the opportunity to see Laundryroom Squelchers make another mess of things at Tonic on July 1. Catch us at brunch at the City Market Diner! Of course you may buy our drinks! Please, and thank you!

On a related tangent, a capitulation. In an effort to not blow the estate on Criterion titles, I finally broke down and joined Netflix. The first titles in the queue should arrive tomorrow...



ommyth saidā€¦
Here's a Columbus ComFest link for those iterested:

Thanks, Andrew. Tell LRS I said hola!


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