Avian Fuckheads Reject Warmed-Over Tantrum...

Instead, they offer new proof of a greater anger...

Splotch have long been one of our favorite groups here at TLASILA HQ; having last appeared live in 2001 (?), they've since shattered, scattered, embraced goals beyond.

We last saw Sam Sebren (Splotch frontperson dude) during the Shave 2004 tour; Sam was kind enough to interview us for the college station at which he DJd.

(Sorry, I've forgotten the city, call letters, etc.)

Anyhow, Ben Wolcott just forwarded an email from SS to which was attached a previously unreleased studio track from Splotch, who at last roll call comprised: Paul Tiers (killer tubsman, bro of Wharton), Chicklet (splattery guitarist and occasional voxish foil, aka Karen Mantler, spawn of free jazz titans Carla Bley and Michael Mantler), David Middleton (bassiste très formidable), and Mr. Sebren (adequate singer, decent enough photographer, scion of Hasan-i-Sabbah...).

The track is entitled "Bird Flu." Just a tad prescient, huh?

Sam relayed the following message:

Here's the tune -- we recorded it in '98 (!). Karen's guitar makes me drool and the sweet background vocals are her and a guest, Jeff, who was crashing at Paul's at the time. We taught him the words and they nailed it on the first take. Wharton Tiers mastered it with me a couple months ago at Fun City (NYC). If anyone feels compelled to make a video for this, be my guest. At least , please "spread" the song around!

We hear and obey...

All hail Splotch!

(You must not forget these... Consult Menlo Park Recordings. Stocks are likely very limited, so act now!)





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