Alexei Borisov, Live in DC...

I met Alexei Borisov in Russia during OHNE's 2002 tour of Eastern and Central Europe. He's a terrific musician and a genuinely decent fellow... Insightful, adventurous, prolific, open-minded... An awesome dude.

Alexei performed an impromptu set with OHNE after we'd completed our spit-slathered gig at Moscow's Bunkr Club; we ran into him a month later in Vienna, where he'd traveled to play at the Phonotaktik.02 festival. He was kind enough to attend our performance at the Rhiz (also in Vienna), and there he and I made tentative plans to create some sort of collaborative project together. Although we exchanged discs and music files, the project remains unfinished, largely untouched. Alexei's just one of those guys you need to be in the same room with - his fierce intelligence and understated sense of humor can't adequately be contained in a .wav file...

He's in the States now, doing a handful of shows. I can't break away until next week (when Spring Break begins), so I'm afraid I'm gonna miss everything.

Алексейи... извините, пожалуйста!

If you live in or around Washington, DC, however, you have an opportunity to catch Alexei in concert on March 3rd. Check it out if you're at all able.




ommyth said…
Hello Bruno,

Off the top of my just-sexed, coffee-deprived noggin, I can't recall specific titties... Er, titles. I'd recommend everything, of course. I'll return to this thread after returning from Spring Break and give complete AB fave info.


ommyth said…
I'll burn you a few Borisov albs on my return, BB. You definitely should have access. I'm certain Alexei wouldn't mind...


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