First Two Canadian Dates Revealed...

(Edited April 20, 2006.)

Here's where TLASILA will be going:

Friday, August 18: Toronto / Sneaky Dee's

Saturday, August 19 / Montreal / Club Lambi

With luck, additional dates will be added...




ommyth said…
Hello Bruno!

Man, getting these dates confirmed was like pulling teeth (from a school of piranha)... Ottawa and Hamilton are in the offing, if I understand correctly. There are also "guerrilla actions" being considered, radio shows potentially being booked, etc. I hope to make the most of our time... Looking forward!

Bon vin, mauvaises femmes,

ommyth said…
Hi Roe,

We'll be announcing the US dates as soon as the Canadian itinerary is sorted. Give us another week (or two) and the schedule should be ready...



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