Neurons Firing, Yes, But Painted Silver, Salivating...

No muzak posts today, sorry. I've been running errands since Ambien dawn (which, depending, falls somewhere between 5:45 to 9:00 AM). Some rest is better than none. (I guess.) Non-narcotic sleeping agents are the new anti-depressants...

There will be three more of the previously announced mega-rarities tomorrow, and (again going off schedule) a quick and dirty 1998 TLASILA concert recording from Lyon, France's long-shuttered Pez-Ner club. You are in a position to enjoy, but we wouldn't hold a grudge if you instead demurred.

Our MySpace site has been offline for maintenance (or so they report) for more than 48 hours. Can't do much about it, ho-hum, etc.

I like travelling to countries where Internet access is considered either an indulgence or almost wholly peripheral to one's routines. Dancing, carousing, semi-drunken snogging, and the exercise of ambulatory functions absorb much web-engendered anomie.

Definitely looking forward to a return trip to Belarus, where many could give a toss, and the interrogation suites are comfortingly redolent of late-90s KGB-administered hospitality cells. (One freshly-extracted molar on every pillow, every morning!) Minsk, of course, has more than its fair share of net addicts. All hail generational divides!

I'm weaving, rambling, and misspelling. The Ambien is taking hold.

See you all in the morning...

Oh yeah - New Horizons reached its slingby rendezvous with Jupiter (composite images are awesome), and Jean-Herve Peron has definitely added TLASILA to his Faust-curated Art Errorist Fest line-up. We'll be going to Schliphorn in late July...

Getting a little lysergic here, so I'd best sign off.



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