Three drifters, lost in the fog.

We sneaked these in at the last second:

Float Up CP - Kill Me in the Morning

(1985, Rough Trade ROUGH 77 LP, out of print; ripped from the original vinyl.)




Moniek Darge - Sounds of Sacred Places

Sounds has been reissued on CD; a reader, "Immerst," was kind enough to send a link. As we're less a shareblog than a shredded papyrus detailing the thorny procession of errant impulses and deep-seated neuroses that make TLASILA's turbines turn over on cold mornings, we necessarily have a policy of not posting others' revivified recordings. The visceral warp and woof of 20-year-old vinyl is forever appealing, but Darge's brilliant, delicate compendium requires a rather less rheumy medium.



Lower Caste Religious Music from India: Monks, Transvestites, Midwives, & Folksingers

Recorded by Dr. Rosina Schlenker.

(1973, Lyrichord LLST 7324 LP; ripped from the original vinyl version.)







bruitiste said…
Stunning! Much thanks, again and again.

ommyth said…
Vous êtes très bienvenu, mon ami.


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