KSV: Mid-Okt Flood...

Hi Again,

New releases via KSV. All single-disc efforts. €8.49 Eurozone, €11 elsewhere, postpaid. PayPal to the usual address...



KSV 162 Contrarian Composers Series #1: Lazim

KSV 163 Contrarian Composers Series #2: Niccolò Malipiero

KSV 164 Contrarian Composers Series #3: Gbessi Hazoumé

KSV 165 Contrarian Composers Series #4: Choe Iseul

KSV 166 Contrarian Composers Series #5: Nested Corruptions

KSV 167 Tom Smith - Poor Dears (Solo Vocal #4)

KSV 170 Four Flawed - Interlingua '11

KSV 173 Iodide Stud to Antimalarial - Night Gistss

KSV 174 Toys Moaned Urine - Haggish Lily Quirt

KSV 175 Volcano the Bear - 30. Juni, Oberdeck, Hannover

KSV 176 Bled Creche - Mainspring Ovum

KSV 177 Christian Galarreta - Resonances

KSV 180 Blue Sabbath Black Fiji - Annulled Alleles

KSV 181 Kunt - Stormbell Steambooty

KSV 182 Astma - Consumer Vorticism

KSV 185 Crank Sturgeon - The Kiss-Lunch-Ibiza Loop

KSV 186 Dental-Exorzismus - RPV

KSV 187 Bill Orcutt - Freise (16. Okt, Bremen)

KSV 188 Ava Mendoza - Oberdeck (17. Okt, Hannover)

KSV 189 Eradicates Own - Boohooed Book Trait


More info, edition sizes, etc., tomorrow. Off to bed!




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