Testcard Link
Guten Abend,
Currently engulfed: KSV post-production, rehearsals with Merkwürdig Riechen, recording vocals for the Rope Cosmetology album (three weeks and running - hope to be done soon), and - SHOCK - a new TLASILA cassette release forthcoming, with an aggressively ur-, one-time lineup. Background: exporting data to official TLASILA interview / discography pages. So thrilling, but, ja, it's gotta be done. In keeping with this theme, a link to the most recent issue of German kunst digest Testcard. Michael Bruns' lengthy interview with yours truly (one I found uniquely satisfying, in stark contrast to the patently retarded Qs thrown my way during the truncated Cortège press convulsion) may be found within the pages of Testcard #21. As soon as the new ish is out, I'll reprint it here (and at relevant rivulets), both in the published German version and the English/German/Denglisch original.
Hope all is super-perfect,