So Much for Entering the Blog Meta-Sphere...
During the God and Country Rally! trek we only managed to squeeze in two Internet sessions, so the whole instant update thing went quickly out the fucking window... You'd think we'd be 100% wireless by now, what with the ubiquity of cell towers, competing providers undercutting each other's plans, and various municipalities entering the fray, some sort of roaming regional wi-fi infrastructure, but...
I will instead use this arena to whine!
As soon as I've bested this friggin' cold or flu or whatever the Hell it is I've been awarded, I'll take you through the tour, one interminable step at a time.
I will instead use this arena to whine!
As soon as I've bested this friggin' cold or flu or whatever the Hell it is I've been awarded, I'll take you through the tour, one interminable step at a time.
Wish we'd been a tad more together at Southgate, and it would have been cool to have a few more souls in attendance, especially considering the depth of the talent pool on hand. It certainly turned out to be a fun time, however! Emily was certainly a handful... I hauled her up on stage 'cuz she was grooving so damned hard with us... She was fantastic, a perfect manifestation of our intent. (Ditto re Connelly and all the other maniacs up front.)
Thanks for writing, Andrew, and don't be a stranger in the future...