Chocolate Superimposition
Yeah, still here, though well hogtied. Behind on much university work; mind all over the goddamned place. My dad is very ill... Can't stay focused on anything.
My copy of John Stuart Mill's On Liberty unacountably became tattooed with a brown stain. There's a sort of sideview 3-D thumbtack shape dripping on the "b" in "edited by," as in "edited by Elizabeth Rapaport." A thumbtack sheathed in a spit bubble...
More (or an outright expurgation) soon.
My copy of John Stuart Mill's On Liberty unacountably became tattooed with a brown stain. There's a sort of sideview 3-D thumbtack shape dripping on the "b" in "edited by," as in "edited by Elizabeth Rapaport." A thumbtack sheathed in a spit bubble...
More (or an outright expurgation) soon.