As the Garotte Sidles Up to the Noose...
Time draws nigh. We've still much work to do. Extraordinary breakthroughs, but only so many hours in the day for dining. Can't hit all the restaurants and haute couture accessory shops in a single fifteen day stretch. By Christ, we've tried...
Oh yeah, the album. Well, it's coming along, responding to our whispers of encouragement, limping slowly behind the phalanx we've arrayed to advance our mango blitzkrieg.
A stellar achievement, this circumnavigation of flavors.
(Hope we get the record wrapped by Monday...)
(The view from Union Square West, 7 July 05.)
Oh yeah, the album. Well, it's coming along, responding to our whispers of encouragement, limping slowly behind the phalanx we've arrayed to advance our mango blitzkrieg.
A stellar achievement, this circumnavigation of flavors.
(Hope we get the record wrapped by Monday...)
(The view from Union Square West, 7 July 05.)