Anti-Fascists Converge...

According to the most recent post on the Down with Tyranny blog, Neil Young has a new, virulently anti-Bush album (Life in War) ready for release. Awesome, as 2003's Greendale was a definite keeper. (Not too sure about the previous - or more recent - eleven thousand NY albs, however.)

Constant readers of the TLASILA blog have likely discerned that the forthcoming Noon and Eternity is itself a critique of contemporary America.

Why then do Wolf Eyes sing only of all-you-can-eat buffet restaurants and cookie dough ice cream on their pending follow-up to Burned Mind? Have they no social conscience? Damned Olsen!!! Even Mountain sang about heroin! C'mon!!!

(I kid the retro-noisers, I kid!)


Graham Moore car crash/carcass update:

"Hey, I am able to see well out of one eye now using this magnified computer screen... Brent is home now and feeling much better. Here is picture for pleasure..."



Hail Natas,

OmT the Oopl


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