RIP Janis Martin...

Let us now weep for a recently fallen titan, Miss Janis Darlene Martin...

From 1955 to '57 this rockabilly wildcat tore it up! Bounced from her label (RCA) and forced into early retirement after a secret elopement (and subsequent pregnancy), she raised young'uns until crazed Brit neo-billies coaxed her back onto the escarpment in the early 1980s. They vociferously dug, and Mlle. Martin hungrily lapped up the good will. Hosanna! She criss-crossed the planet from that frame until last Monday (September 3rd), when she passed from rocking too goddamned hard.

"Female Elvis"? Hardly. Contextually, Janis had extinction event impact.

Read the Los Angeles Times' obituary here.

(The Bear Family compilation pictured above will incinerate everything in your muzak library, so stay the fuck away from it unless you're willing to burn...)


Know Your Matriarchs,



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