Got to Scrape the Soundscape Off Your Shoes...

Christian Marclay - Footsteps

(1989, Shedhalle / RecRec 26 LC 7981, one-sided LP; limited edition of 1,000, out of print.)


From June 4th through July 16th 1989 the floor of one of the Shedhalle galleries, Zürich, was covered with copies of a record titled Footsteps. During the six weeks of the installation, people were invited to walk on the records - willingly or not, they had to step on them to reach the adjacent galleries where other sculptures were exhibited. Sounds of footsteps were recorded in December 1988 in the deserted hallways of the Clocktower (N.Y.), and in the studios of Harmonic Ranch (N.Y.), where Keiko Uenishi's tap dancing was mixed in. Over the course of six weeks, more than 1500 visitors walked over the fragile floor and contributing to the final composition by altering the records' surface with dirt and scratches.


01 Footsteps (18:06)

Christian Marclay - Turntables, Production.

Keiko Uenishi - Tap Dancing.


(47.8 MB, ripped @ 320.)



Until Later,



Thanks for posting this. The Meat Beetles like your site. Hope you will visit ours:
ommyth said…
Thanks much, Beetles. I enjoyed visiting your blog as well. A great mix of music and news... Very cool.

Merci pour votre post!



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