The Twelve Feasts of Praamzius, Pt. 9

TLASILA - The Twelve Feasts of Praamzius, Pt. 9: Burl Ives' 20th Century Masters: The Christmas Collection vs. Larry the Cable Guy's Christmas in Larryland

"On the ninth feast of Praamzius / my Svarog gave to me / nine Gnostic Luciferians deriding / eight gealdorcraeftigan sniffling / seven Celtic polytheists bearding / six megaliths crumbling / five texts by Iolo Morganwg! / four herding omens / three Rosicrucians / two athamés / and a bar of homemade saffron soap left on the display case adjacent to the orange-cranberry scones at the Starbucks just off I-10 and Garth near mile marker 793..."


(Ninth course, 4.57 MB. ripped @ 320.)



"Scraps of Chinese philosophy fell from her..."



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