From Ruin to Rack in 140 Kilometres...

Luca, the proprietor of Treviso's oft-praised 8mm Records, turned out to be a bit of a cunt (he fucked us, basically, and I rue the fact that everyone but yours truly seemed to know of his sordid reputation), so we found ourselves with an unexpected off day. We flipped the catastrophe into a holiday field trip, and made haste from Ljubljana to Trieste, where we spent three hours climbing its hills and drinking in its near-feral beauty. It was extraordinary.

R. Kelly's Double Up album was our soundtrack out of Trieste and into Venezia, where we strolled and gawked and acted like the awestruck tourists we were....

We pulled into Bologna at 1AM. There is a video you simply must see - I'll post it ASAP!


TS and the Euro Crew


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