Elopes, Steadily Weeping...

TLASILA - Dry Ice vs. Mephistopheles

Imposed by brute blue slippers...


(Four tracks, 16.5 MB, ripped @ 320.)



Dissolved in a fog of malarial bewilderment,



Anonymous said…
Try this:

Scott Walker vs. Throbbing Gristle,
Lee Hazlewood vs. Psychic TV,
Tiny Tim vs. Whitehouse,
Diamanda Galas vs. Amy Winehouse

ommyth said…
Hello Yahowah,

Thanks for the feedback and excellent suggestions. We've previously featured Whitehouse, Winehouse and Galas (now there's a name for a law firm!), but we promise to fulfill your other requests, and find an alternative match-up for Mr. Tim.

All the Best,


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