Not in Fact a Glass Eye...

TLASILA - The Deadly Ones vs. Wire

It must have cost her a monopoly of shocks and lapses...


(Four tracks, 16.9 MB, ripped @ 320; the third of our nascent Painted Field: Daughters-in-Law series.)



A categorical reply,



Anonymous said…
not worth the time it takes to download, my comment even seems to be more of a waste of time except to steer away those who would truly appreciate good music and skip this one

ommyth said…
Dear BF75,

Thanks for writing!

If you're referring to the new Wire album, I must admit that I wasn't exactly blown away by it. Of course, that's not what's being offered here. If you're referring to the results of our experiment in particle acceleration, I would respectfully disagree with your assertion. It's Monster Surfing Time introduced a heft sorely lacking in Object 47's atomic structure, while electrons from the latter seem to have bonded efficaciously with those sloughed off from the former, post-collision. We merely present the data - other researchers, such as yourself, are welcome to re-interpret our findings as they see fit!

As for musical value, I recommend this demented fusion whole-heartedly. It rips through the veil of woe quite nicely...



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