Not in Fact a Glass Eye...
TLASILA - The Deadly Ones vs. Wire
It must have cost her a monopoly of shocks and lapses...
(Four tracks, 16.9 MB, ripped @ 320; the third of our nascent Painted Field: Daughters-in-Law series.)
A categorical reply,
It must have cost her a monopoly of shocks and lapses...
(Four tracks, 16.9 MB, ripped @ 320; the third of our nascent Painted Field: Daughters-in-Law series.)
A categorical reply,
Thanks for writing!
If you're referring to the new Wire album, I must admit that I wasn't exactly blown away by it. Of course, that's not what's being offered here. If you're referring to the results of our experiment in particle acceleration, I would respectfully disagree with your assertion. It's Monster Surfing Time introduced a heft sorely lacking in Object 47's atomic structure, while electrons from the latter seem to have bonded efficaciously with those sloughed off from the former, post-collision. We merely present the data - other researchers, such as yourself, are welcome to re-interpret our findings as they see fit!
As for musical value, I recommend this demented fusion whole-heartedly. It rips through the veil of woe quite nicely...