Reconstruction of Unimagined Accidents...

(Amended October 13, 2009.)

Hello Again,

Trundling off to bed soon, but before overheads are snuffed and I get to dreamily drowse next to the wondrous CP, evidence of the horrors that await KSV aesthetes...

(Click above for a larger version of the image.)

(From left, clockwise: KSV 045 Eugene Chadbourne - Live, Silke Arp Bricht, Hannover, 19 Sept 09; KSV 039 Anne - An Innkeeper's Totems; KSV 038 Gaunt Exes - Trunk Situ; KSV 046 Academia Riding Rust - A Perforated Rink; KSV 042 Christopher Fleeger - 1977, USA; KSV 025 Karl Schmidt Verlag: Was du nicht wissen wolltest...; KSV 040 Three Resurrected Drunkards - Baukasten: Exact Linearity, and KSV 043 Ikea Cafe Ambiance vs. Schützenfest Autumn Carnival.)

Bis Morgen!



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