Three Hundred and Sixty-Three Days Later...

This has been the happiest year of my life.

Below, the CP, standing in front of a doorway on Limmerstrasse. Dusk was upon us, but even in dim light, she was luminous...

(Click for a larger version of the image.)

Year Two begins Saturday at midnight.



p.sparrow said…
364 days or so since I dropped you off at the airport. weird year. we elected obama, saw him speak the day before, got married in december, had a baby in april, had to move back in with my parents in october. weird year.
ommyth said…
It's been a challenging time, hasn't it? The stress, the anxiety, the uncertainty... But also JOY. You have an amazing partner, a beautiful new daughter, and our home country has a great (albeit too damned wired for compromise) president. Things are rough, but possibilities are limitless... It's been a very weird year indeed. Come and visit!


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