One Final Puzzle Piece Remains...


The CP and I watched David Michôd's Animal Kingdom earlier in the evening. Damn...

KDTS 2011 Tour #1 update: we're now confirmed for May 24th in Basel. Weighing multiple offers for the 29th, the final date of the trek. We'll let you know the outcome as soon as far-thicker wads of 200 Euro notes begin being lobbed through our open windows...

Snowed like crazy here yesterday, but we're already back to the cleansing cold rain. Not a flake to be found, save for the two-legged variants...

Off to bed - hope everyone is well!



yob_tva said…
can recommend you see "the boys" and "the square", two other recent australian movies. the boys based on similar criminal shenanigans and the square about council corruption.

what is it about strayaliens not getting past their criminal origins.

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