KDTS Tour: Day #5

Exhilarating gig last night at Les Instants Chavirés in Montreuil (one of Paris' coolest and most bustling neighborhoods). A fairly naff free-jazz trio were on the bill too, and the atmosphere was thus somewhat muted, but by mid-set reserve was dissolved. My voice was rather frayed around the edges, but Kevin wailed throughout - his electronics shrieked and transmuted into '68 rioter's stones. Julie Huntington (Galen, The Hercules, Sucking Coeds) was there! Andy Bolus created an edition of one! (I bought a Clash t-shirt from H&M for Andy to customize and he detourned the fucker with aplomb.) We got drunk! And we recognized the third free-jazz circle of Hell. Great night. Merci, Paris!


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