Murkier Hew Receding...
The debut performance from Merkwürdig Riechen (a new collaborative project featuring ex-Child Abuse-r Luke Calzonetti and myself) is cuffed and gagged in the bag. One rehearsal, a few files exchanged, four new compositions conjured, one cover de-Gestalt-ed, and one of my solo vocal pieces detourned/re-deployed. Our faces ripped too-ripened facets, etc. Evidence of documentation may soon be found herein. DJ Boiled Ryce spun solid FSK sides, and all was luminous within the void...
Yours in Silver,
The debut performance from Merkwürdig Riechen (a new collaborative project featuring ex-Child Abuse-r Luke Calzonetti and myself) is cuffed and gagged in the bag. One rehearsal, a few files exchanged, four new compositions conjured, one cover de-Gestalt-ed, and one of my solo vocal pieces detourned/re-deployed. Our faces ripped too-ripened facets, etc. Evidence of documentation may soon be found herein. DJ Boiled Ryce spun solid FSK sides, and all was luminous within the void...
Yours in Silver,