New: Rope Cosmetology Web!
Hi Again,
Good news from a related front. Tim Lane Seaton, erstwhile Peach of Immortality titan and suave multimedia counter-conceptualist, recently unveiled the official Rope Cosmetology domain. It's exact and precise and perfect on all counts. Tim, one of the five core members of Ropecosm, worked on the site for as long as it took.
The rest is up to you and your itchy orbs...
Yours, still,
Postscript: a cross-edict from F'buch:
Good news from a related front. Tim Lane Seaton, erstwhile Peach of Immortality titan and suave multimedia counter-conceptualist, recently unveiled the official Rope Cosmetology domain. It's exact and precise and perfect on all counts. Tim, one of the five core members of Ropecosm, worked on the site for as long as it took.
The rest is up to you and your itchy orbs...
Yours, still,
Postscript: a cross-edict from F'buch: