A Parental Enquiring Sigh...

(Cross-posted from F'buch.)

Re Peach of Immortality: although I failed to transfer POI's unreleased third album, The Baptist Hymnal (I thought I'd already done so during my 2010 trip to the States), I brought back a motherlode of unissued titanium. There's more than enough extant here at HQ to assemble a sick, sick, sick compilation album/box/etc. Fifteen albums, lots of shows from the Peach/Pussy Galore tour, all the existing mixes for Taxi zum Shoah (about eight hours' worth), live and studio oddments from the Smith/Ginsberg '88 group, and many recordings from the magisterial (and, of course, much-ignored/loathed) Tim Lane Seaton period (late '88-early '91). Bad news for dullards, but a Tory Lane squirtgasm for glorious and fetid wanderers...

More on this as the encroaching apocalypse merits,



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