Rope Cosmetology: Deeper, Deeper...

Hi Everyone,

The CP and I are nursing colds (we've had the most foul weather of late); she's been sleeping for a few hours now, and I'm sorting through the emails from our KSV designer partners, slowly adjusting and finalizing the sleeves for the 25 new releases forthcoming on the Verlag. (Music's all done. Covers aren't quite ready.) Meanwhile, the most recent five rough mixes from the Hannover vocal sessions for the new Rope Cosmetology album have been on repeat since Claudia went under. I'm on the sixth or seventh pass, and I wish those of you who feel too fucking tethered could listen along. Ropecosm is what TLASILA morphed into after the final, 2008 Euro 666 tour, and after a slew of albums, a 15-month hiatus, and the usual benign, unforeseen impediments, we seem to be very close...



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