KSV5: Week #1

Hello All,

Karl Schmidt Verlag's five year anniversary fete begins now and will end on December 31st. Every week, five new releases, at our original 2008 price of €7 per album. With one proviso: buy one to four discs, you pay the full (reduced) tariff. Buy FIVE, you get the lot for €25. Only if you buy quintuplets. We're sick fucks, appreciative of our illness. More below the pic.

This week: the final compendium from last winter's Smith Jaspers Stencil trek, Torun (KSV 286), and (KSV 304) Academia Riding Rust - The Danger of Paralysis; (KSV 305) Merkwürdig Riechen - Cantilever Joinery; (KSV 306) Small Thuringian Mother - Production Sample; (KSV 307) Disaggregation - Dwarf Argument.

Need? tlasila [at] gmail [dot] com.





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