T/SMS: TST 42 (aka Like Lazarus)

I recorded a second full-length T/SMS set a few months ago at Willi Dammeier's Institut für Wohlklangforschung here in Hannover. As soon as I have the artwork properly sorted, the album (which will be issued by KSV-affiliated imprint Elfelejt) should be on its way to the factory. Apart from Claudia Franke and John Wiese, no one has heard any of the new material. Here's the second track from the album, "TST 42." (Or, if you prefer, "Like Lazarus.") I put a helluva lot of work into these pieces, and I trust you'll erupt accordingly...
TS/KSV/TLASILA Soundcloud link here.

Best wishes,

Not Bono


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