General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Notice:

Hello again,

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) comes into effect today.

Please note the following:

1) TLASILA Blog collects no data. Our mission is to share information about the experimental music collective To Live and Shave in L.A., related artistic projects and ventures, and issues of aesthetic and social importance to the group's members and supporters.

2) This blog engages no one to collect data on our behalf.

3) As we do not collect data, we employ no means to do so.

4) We have neither a reason nor a desire to harvest anyone's data.

5) As we do not collect data, we do not use any such data.

6) We share data with no one. We do not advocate sharing data, and we do not intentionally share data.

7) As we do not collect data, we believe there are no persons with reason to be concerned about any such collection.

8) We do not use others' data, and as such we cannot imagine that anyone would object or complain to our policy of not collecting other peoples' information.

Thank you for your support.


Tom Smith, TLASILA


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