Portsmouth Sinfonia: Toxic Clouds of Sound, and Not a Hosanna Too Soon

The Portsmouth Sinfonia - Hallelujah: The Portsmouth Sinfonia at the Royal Albert Hall

(1974, Transatlantic TRA 285 LP, out of print.)

You can Google/Wiki/Discog and read others' impressions for yourselves, but for my blood-spattered tenspot the Sinfonia are on par with, and certainly as important as, Xenakis, King Tubby, the Pistols, Big Mama Thornton, Cage, Ut, Ayler, Schimpfluch, Take That, etc. Hallelujah was their second release, one that highlighted the inadvertently comic but no less subversive nature of their work. Wonderful from crackpot intro to gargled conclusion.


01 Mr. Michael Bond's Address

02 From the Nutcracker Suite Op. 71a-March-Tchaikowsky

03 From the Karelia Suite, Op. 11-Intermezzo-Schubert

04 March Militaire in D Major-Schubert

05 Piano Concert No. 1 in B Minor, Op. 23- Tchaikowsky

06 Overture 1812-Tchaikowsky

07 William Tell Overture-Rossini

08 From the Messiah (Pt. 2)-Hallelujah Chorus-Handel (with the Portsmouth Sinfonia Choir)


Recorded at the Royal Albert Hall, London, May 28, 1974.

(Above, the Portsmouth Sinfonia at the RAH, with slowly circling demonic mob... Click both photos for larger images.)


(95.2 MB unpacked, ripped @ 320. I cleaned the vinyl as best I could; certain of the more noticeable pops were removed digitally.)






Anonymous saidā€¦
absofuckinglutely GREAT...thanks for this post. i`m glad to own a piece of vinyl from this great orchestra (only 7 inch)..by the way the p.s. plays on Brian Eno`s first LP "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy"..Atze
ommyth saidā€¦
You're quite welcome, Atze.

(Actually, Taking Tiger Mountain was Eno's second long-player, but we shan't quibble. And, yes, "Put a Straw Under Baby" was made infinitely better by the inclusion of the Sinfonia string section!)

I'll post the orchestra's first and third albums shortly.


zvb saidā€¦
Thanks for this post!
did you post the other ones ?

wating for it!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Waiting for your other post of the PS

Tom saidā€¦
Hello NPA/Ben/Anon,

No, I've not posted the first or third Sinfonia albums. I've been absorbed with TLASILA work for months now - we've many releases in queue, and time is limited.

Great thanks for writing.


Tom saidā€¦
I'd love to hear the 1st and 3rd LPs. Could you please post them up? 320 obviously :)
Alan Phillips saidā€¦
Yup I admit it! I was there in the choir together with brother Geoff.We were on the front row stage left. Watching the audience reaction was fun as the copperplate typeface poster gave no clues as to what was to be served up. After the first few bars of Thus Spracht Zarathustra there was both loud laughter and outraged people walking out. Fantastic after show party in Earls Court with huge amounts of free drink and an exhibitionist Scotsman!

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