Occluded Mists Scold Mute Disc...
Update: Our lovely pedo pals Child Abuse storm Hannover's Sturmglocke tonight! (I'll be bartending, should anyone need an order completely mixed-up.) (Update to update: no need to fret, boozehounds - I'm off the hook for this evening.) Tomorrow, my newly trio'd duo Merkwürdig Riechen rehearses for our next performance (28 April, at Forum S15). We'll be playing with Berlin clamor commandos Kellerschläger. Later in the week (if the scheduling goes well) Í'll be tracking vocals for the new, in-progress, soon-to-be-completed Rope Cosmetology album at the Institute in Nordstadt. Nice to leave the home recording at home for a change and luxuriate in a luxe studio setting. And, just sent the liner notes and text info for the forthcoming three-disc TLASILA remix set, The Grief That Shrieked to Multiply. I'm amazed that it'll actually be out soon. (It's been a very convoluted pregnancy...)
All March-April KSV orders have been sent. We'll have the next batch available for ogling in less than a week...
Until Later,
All March-April KSV orders have been sent. We'll have the next batch available for ogling in less than a week...
Until Later,